Skills Day 2017

Date: Wednesday 15th November 2017
Opening times: 10.00-16.00
Venue: Mary Sumner House, Westminster
Quality Improvement in Practice
Quality Improvement (QI) is something everyone can benefit from – not just veterinary teams, but animal owners too, and of course, their pets.
QI is about supporting effective, evidence-based care. By implementing systematic, measurable approaches, best practice is advanced, errors can be avoided and ultimately, lives are saved.
But that only scrapes the surface of what successful QI can provide. With an increase in efficiency comes a decrease in business costs, the confidence that we are acting on the best available evidence and, subsequently, an improvement in our mental wellbeing.
As with any new introduction to a profession, guidance needs to be sought from elsewhere – previous adopters if possible. Thankfully there are plenty of industries that have already implemented QI to choose from.
We want to start a conversation around quality improvement, allowing us to learn, not only from those non-veterinary areas, but from each other.
This year’s Skills Day, Quality Improvement in Practice, is the perfect place to start.
About the day
Held the day before the London Vet Show, Skills Day is focused on helping you bring quality improvement into everyday practice.
In addition to plenary sessions we will be offering workshops that will delve into key topics, giving you plenty of time to engage and discuss with your peers and our expert presenters.
Join us as we bring together specialists from human and veterinary health to discuss the benefits and the challenges of implementing quality improvement.
Tickets and Pricing
Tickets for the event are just £95 + VAT, making it one of the most cost-effective CPD events you’ll see this year.
Full information about refunds can be found in the terms and conditions.
Additional resources
Apply for an attendance bursary
For more information
Kathleen Reinoga
020 7202 0741
Book your ticket using the button below. Group bookings are available here.