Our team
If you have a specific query about our work please contact the relevant member of our team.
Declaration of Interests can be downloaded from the 'Related documents' box.
Katie Mantell
Chief Executive Officer
Clare Boulton
Head of Library and Knowledge Services
Sadie Constable
Head of Communications, Marketing & Digital
Ashley Doorly
Head of Quality Improvement
Ash Bebbington
Senior Communications Officer
Myai Du
Information Specialist
Sally Everitt
Clinical Lead for Evidence
Anthony Forshaw
Full Stack Developer
Jasmine Gallant
Governance Officer & Exec Assistant to the CEO
Amy Horsfield
Communications Assistant
Rosie Hughes
Antimicrobial Resistance Project Officer
Fiona Lovatt
Farm Vet Champions Clinical Lead
Jennifer Marsan-Stott
Quality Improvement Project Officer
Mark Morton
Clinical Lead for Registries
Pam Mosedale
Chair, Quality Improvement Advisory Board
Louise Northway
Quality Improvement Clinical Lead (RVN)
David Plant
Amelia Poole
Quality Improvement Project Manager
InĂªs Rebelo
Senior Web Designer
Bridget Sheppard
Managing Editor
William Smith
Assistant Editor