Our services
Our services are designed to support your every day work in practice whilst keeping you up to date with the latest clinical research and are available to all our users.
'Library services price list' and relevant request forms are available to download from the 'Related documents' box.
Library membership
- Article requests
- Literature searches
- Postal loans - currently suspended until further notice
- Subject alerts
- Journal clubs
- in the Spotlight
- Literature searching workshops
- Genealogical search
Library membership
Our core membership package gives you off-site access to a wide range of full text electronic journals, and allows you to do your own literature searches on the world's largest veterinary medicine bibliographic database. For more information on member benefits and how to join.
Article requests
We can send you photocopies from journals, conference proceedings, reports and books, subject to copyright law, for private study or research. Just complete a copyright declaration form with details of your request and return it to us. We will then send the photocopy to you by email or post. If the material requested is held on site we will normally process your request within two working days; and urgent requests within a couple of hours. If the material is held offsite then the request will be supplied within ten working days.
If we don’t have the material you need in our Library, we will try and obtain it for you from another library via our interlibrary loan service.
Please complete this Copyright declaration form to request an article.
We are unable to supply articles for a commercial purpose at the present due to the unavailability of that service at our external providers.
Literature searches
If you are short of time or having difficulty finding information we can carry out a literature search for you. We will then send you a list of references. The search will normally be completed within 5 working days.
Please complete this literature search request form.
Subject alerts
To help you keep up-to-date with the latest information we can supply quarterly alerts in a range of subjects such as veterinary dentistry and veterinary cardiology. Alerts are sent out in January, April, July and October and contain details of all the articles published in the previous three months.
This is a free service for RVNs.
For more information or if you would like to sign up for the service, contact us on 020 7202 0752 or email [email protected].
inFOCUS is our journal watch which offers an easy way to stay up to date with the latest developments in veterinary research. inFOCUS provides practitioners with independent summaries of the latest research that has the potential to impact patient care.
Subscribe to have the latest inFOCUS updates sent directly to your inbox in a bi-monthly email containing the summaries - including the bottom line for implementation in practice - plus the option to read the original articles.
in the Spotlight
Our ‘In the Spotlight’ features bring together relevant publications on a range of topics that are likely to impact veterinary practice. Relevant papers, guidance, and more provide an easily accessible overview of these topics, allowing practitioners to access the latest evidence and make evidence-based decisions.
Past topics include the benefits and risks of neutering, COVID-19 and animals, and much more, catch up now.
Journal clubs
Practice-based journal clubs are an excellent way for veterinary professionals to critically appraise relevant evidence, develop new guidelines and protocols and implement evidence in practice.
Our journal club resources provide guidance in setting up and running journal clubs in practice, as well as offering regular suggested reading material and checklists to guide discussions. Access the materials.
Literature searching workshops
A workshop for beginners and those with intermediate skills, covering database searching and accessing online resources including electronic journals, focusing on the resources offered by the RCVS Knowledge Library.
Genealogical search
Do you think you may have a vet in the family or are you interested in the vets who worked in your practice? If so get in touch with us and we’ll do the research for you.
If you have any questions, or would like to sign up to any of the services, contact us on 020 7202 0752 or email [email protected]