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Join the Library

Whether you are studying for a Certificate or a post graduate qualification, or you just need information fast, membership of the Library allows you quick and easy access to quality resources.

We aim to process all applications, and send out details of how to access our resources and services, within two working days of the receipt of the payment for library membership.

Applying for membership is easy.

  • Apply by post. The application form and terms and conditions are available to download from the 'Related documents' box.

Membership is open to all qualified veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. 

Individual Library membership
Access to electronic resources
Trial Library membership
How does the Library set its membership fee levels?

Individual Library membership

Core membership gives the following benefits:

  • Access to a wide range of full text electronic journals via Discovery and OpenAthens password
  • Access to VetMed Resource which is a subset of CAB Abstracts bibliographic database focussed on veterinary medicine
  • 25% discount on a full range of Library services including literature searches, subject alerts, and supplying copies of articles

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Packages and annual fees

Core membership for practising MRCVS* £145
Core membership for practising MRCVS new graduate* (up to 2 years after graduation) £90
Core membership for retired / unwaged MRCVS* £90
Core membership for practising RVN* £65
Core membership for retired / unwaged RVN* £45
Premium membership for practising MRCVS plus 1 subject alert (sent out 4 times a year on your choice of topic) £285
Premium membership for practising MRCVS plus 4 literature searches carried out by Library staff on topics of your choice £330
Premium membership for practising RVN plus 1 subject alert (sent out 4 times a year on your choice of topic) £210
Premium membership for practising RVN plus 4 literature searches carried out by Library staff on topics of your choice £255
Core membership for non UK veterinary nurse £155
Core membership for animal health professional (non MRCVS*) £450
Core membership for animal health professional (non MRCVS*) working for registered UK charity   £170

*     at time of application or renewal

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Access to electronic resources

Access to our electronic resources is via Discovery. Discovery is a search tool that 'pulls together' most of our electronic resources allowing you to find them in a single search.

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Trial Library membership

If you are interested in finding out how our electronic resources can benefit you before joining, you can now apply for a Trial Library membership.

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How does the Library set its membership fee levels?

Income from membership fees makes a contribution to the running costs of the library, any shortfall between membership fee income and library costs is subsidised by RCVS Knowledge.

The fees are set at a level which we believe, in consultation with members, are reasonable and affordable. We also try to maintain a reasonable balance between the income raised, and the funding provided by RCVS Knowledge to sustain the Library service.

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