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List of electronic resources


Library members have remote access to a wide range of electronic resources via Discovery using their OpenAthens login.

Library members -  if you have problems with accessing our resources via Discovery, you can access them directly from the publishers with your the OpenAthens login.

Electronic journals

An A-Z list of our electronic journals.  

Databases for in-depth topic searches

  • CAB Abstracts logo CAB Abstracts - covers veterinary sciences, agriculture, environment, food science and nutrition [Please note: it is only available to use in the library]





  • CABIVetMedResourceVetMed Resource - contains key records on all aspects of veterinary medicine, CAB Reviews and the Animal Health and Production Compendium (AHPC)
Library members - access VetMed Resource from home or work pc with your OpenAthens login.

Open access and free access resources

Links to open access and free access journals and articles

Literature searching workshops

We offer online workshops on a one-to-one basis to show you how to use our range of electronic resources, searching techniques and how to construct searching strategies.

If you are interested in a literature searching workshop for your practice team please contact us at [email protected] to discuss options.