Fellowship theses
We hold an impressive collection of Fellowship theses submitted to the RCVS from 1896 to the present day.
Fellowship theses submitted since 1980 are listed in the online Library catalogue, those from pre 1980 are listed in the card catalogue and are being added to online catalogue as part of an ongoing project.
Theses available electronically are as password protected PDFs. The password to open these PDFs is rcvstrust06.
Theses are available for loan by Library members, all members of the RCVS and registered veterinary nurses, who are based in the UK.
Richard A. Laven (3.9 Mb PDF)
Studies on hoof horn growth and wear and the development of hoof horn haemorrhages in heifers.
Neil P. H. Hudson (T/752) (4.3 Mb PDF)
Veterinary admissions: Analysing the journey into veterinary school and beyond.
John Harold Burford (T/744) (3.33 Mb PDF)
Factors affecting the development of post-operative colic following surgical intervention.
Michael Guilliard (T/736) (1.9 Mb PDF)
The nature, incidence and response to treatment of injuries to the distal limbs in the racing greyhound.
David Burch (T/728) (2.0 Mb PDF)
Examination of the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) relationships of orally administered antimicrobials and their correlation with the therapy of various bacterial and mycoplasmal infections in pigs.
Christopher Chesney (T/718) (3.34 Mb PDF)
The disciplinary processes of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons 1881 to 2008.
James L. Carmalt (T/722) (1.14 Mb PDF)
The effect of equine dental morphology on feed digestibility and TMJ cytokine profiles.
Graham Duncanson (T/742) (422 Kb PDF)
Regular dental treatment - influence on the long-term dental health of the horse.
Tom Holland (T/712) (7.23 Mb PDF)
A study of the methods used in toxicological pathology.
David J. Bartram (T/737) (2.5 Mb PDF)
A cross-sectional study of mental health and well-being and their associations in the UK veterinary profession.
David R. Godfrey (T/708) (5.1 Mb PDF)
Studies of degenerative joint disease in domestic cats (Felis catus).
Frances Harcourt-Brown (T/692) (8.6 Mb PDF)
Metabolic bone disease as a possible cause of acquired dental disease in pet rabbits.
Timothy Skerry (T/681) (1.25 Mb PDF)
The effects of disuse on bone turnover and its molecular mechanism.