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Useful links

The following are websites that may be of interest to people who are interested in the history of the veterinary profession.

Research in veterinary history

AIM25  - descriptions of the archives of higher education institutions, learned societies, cultural organisations and livery companies within the greater London area.

Medical History of British India - contain digitized collection of official publications related to disease, public health and medical research between circa 1850 to 1920.

Museum of English Rural Life  

National Archives’ ARCHON Directory - records of collections held by record offices, libraries and other institutions 

Royal Veterinary College museum collection and historical book collection

Science Museum Library which includes the Comben Collection on veterinary science and animal husbandry

Veterinary History Society  

Wellcome Library

World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine

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Studying veterinary history

London Centre for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology

Wellcome Trust Short-term Research Leave Awards for clinicians and scientists
(Note: these awards are open to vets)

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Genealogical research

Worshipful Company of Farriers        

National Archives  – for army records

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