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Pam Mosedale

Chair, Quality Improvement Advisory Board

Pam MosedalePam qualified from the RVC in 1979 and worked in mixed practice for the first part of her career, then was a partner in a small animal hospital for 17 years.

Pam joins the RCVS Knowledge QIAB as the Chair of the Board, having had extensive involvement with the college. She was a Practice Standards Inspector from the beginning of the BSAVA practice standards scheme and continued with the RCVS, becoming Lead Assessor from April 2015 till October 2020. She welcomed the increased emphasis on quality improvement and clinical governance, clinical effectiveness and audit in the new scheme.

Pam is editor of the BSAVA Guide to the Use of Veterinary Medicines and an SQP assessor for AMTRA. 

Pam first got involved in clinical governance when on BVHA council when she started to look into whether clinical audit could be applied to veterinary practices. She wrote the first article published in the UK on clinical audit in veterinary practices in 1999.

Pam has spoken at BSAVA Congress, BVNA congress, SPVS Congress, BEVA clinical audit workshops, CAW TP conference and on many RCVS webinars and CPD courses about clinical governance, clinical audit and Quality Improvement.

Pam is passionate about QI becoming part of the normal working day for veterinary teams and contributing to a just learning culture in practice. 

E [email protected]

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Declaration of interests



Relevant financial interests, eg shareholdings, bonds and derivatives




Appointments to other bodies

AMTRA - Council Member

Bella Moss Foundation - Clinical Adviser

Membership of other veterinary or allied organisations

BSAVA - Organiser Dispensing Course

BSAVA - Editor BSAVA Guide to the Use of Veterinary Medicines

BVA - Member

BVHA - Member


Lead Assessor RCVS Practice Standards Scheme April 2015–October 2020

RCVS Standards and Medicines Adviser from November 2020

SQP Assessor AMTRA

Self employed -deliver Medicines CPD for CVS, Linnaeus and other groups as requested

Qualifications (other than veterinary qualifications listed in the Register)


Interests relating to immediate family or close friends


Other relevant information
