VN e-assessment update
21 December 2007
You may have read recent press reports of some problems at Pearson VUE, a branch of which we shall be using to deliver e-assessment for veterinary nurses from 2008. The problems in the first instance involved the loss of learner driver data at the company's Iowa City location. This week, the incorrect scoring of UKCAT Clinical Aptitude Tests (which inform access to medical and dental schools) was reported. We have taken both of these issues up with the organisation and are satisfied that extensive measures have been taken to improve the security of data since the lowa incident, which occurred back in May.
In relation to the UKCAT test, the error in scoring was picked up by Pearson VUE via their internal quality assurance checks and we are satisfied that, in the circumstances, they (and UKCAT) acted promptly and in the fairest way possible in relation to candidates. Even in the best regulated systems errors occur from time to time. The systems that RCVS has agreed with Pearson VUE reflect the way in which we have checked and quality-assured examination results for many years. This means that we shall be able to detect anomalies, and correct them, before results are issued to candidates. This was one of the reasons why we plan not to issue instantaneous results to candidates in the early days of the e-testing implementation.
We hope this helps to address any concerns you might have regarding the move to e-assessment and our relationship with Pearson VUE.