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Trust to appear at 'Science Uncovered' at the Natural History Museum

19 September 2012

We will be hosting a Vets Science Station at the Natural History Museum’s Science Uncovered event on Friday, 28 September from 4pm to 11pm.

Science Uncovered logo

Our station will provide visitors with the chance to literally feel their way with the latest in medical simulation through the use of a haptic device.

Haptic devices allow vets and doctors in training to develop essential clinical skills by using advanced computer touch simulators that allow them to practise without the risk of harming patients.

Visitors will also be invited to try their hand at making safe injections, honing palpation skills and wound bandaging on our rather more low-tech cuddly toy animals.

The station will be supported by students from the Royal Veterinary College’s Ambassador Scheme, who will be interacting with the public and encouraging them to get involved.

We aim  to promote the value of veterinary skills and knowledge through a low-tech, high-fun approach!

This free event has something for everyone with families welcome in the afternoon and early evening.

Science Uncovered is part of European Researchers’ Night, a Europe-wide festival of science taking place in over 300 cities. 

“We encourage you to come along and take part, and look forward to seeing you there," says Cherry Bushell, Director of the Trust.

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