Still time to save the monkey
27 November 2009
"Complete our survey or the monkey gets it"- that's the challenge we posed you a couple of weeks ago. Thank you very much to all of you who have taken the time to complete our website survey. If you have not yet had the chance, there is still time as the survey will be available for a few more days.
We were so keen to keep the survey anonymous so that you could express your views freely that we forgot to give you the option of leaving your contact details to enable you to win the £50 Waterstones voucher in the prize draw. If you have already completed the survey but did not supply your contact details in relation to the Focus Group question, please email us at [email protected] to be entered into the draw.
If you have not yet completed the survey, we would welcome your feedback. Please spare a few minutes to answer the questions in the survey. We have added in the option to enter a contact number or email address at the end so you have the chance of winning a £50 Waterstones voucher.
Apologies for the omission and good luck!