RCVS Knowledge at BSAVA Congress 2018

Date: Friday 6th April 2018
Venue: Arena Birmingham, King Edwards Road, Birmingham B1 2AA
Join us for our Knowledge stream on Friday, 6th April in Kingston Theatre:
- 8.30-09.15 Embedding EBVM into practice - Bradley Viner
Join Bradley Viner in the Kingston Theatre as he introduces the RCVS Knowledge Quality Improvement Project, discussing what quality actually means and ways to incorporate it into daily practice. - 09.25-09.45 Checklists: where they work and why you need them - Karlien Heyrman
Karlien Heyrman explores the origin of checklists, how they reduce the incidence of avoidable errors, and how they can benefit the veterinary profession. - 09.50-10.10 Checklists in veterinary anaesthesia: why bother? - Matt McMillan
Matt McMillan addresses the pros and cons of checklist implementation in veterinary practice, and discusses ways to maximise their benefit. - 11.05-11.50 - Best evidence and how to apply it: optimising the care of diabetic cats - Bradley Viner and David Church
Using the example of feline diabetes, this session will discuss the incorporation of best available evidence into user-friendly practice guidelines. - 12.00-12.20 - Benchmarking: compare against your peers to realise your potential - Alan Radford
Join Alan Radford on the subject of benchmarking: how it ties in with clinical audit, and how this link can drive improvement in practice. - 12.25-12.45 - Antibiotic prescribing in practice: how well are you doing? - Alan Radford
Tackling antibiotic resistance through the use of benchmarking and the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network (SAVSNET). - 14.05-14.50 - Addressing blame culture: how increased communication supports better care - Catherine Oxtoby
Join Catherine Oxtoby as she points the blame towards system failures and lack of communication, to create a Just Culture in veterinary practice. - 15.00-15.45 - Curiosity and the cat: building a learning culture - Lizzie Lockett
Lizzie Lockett, RCVS CEO and Director of the Mind Matters Initiative, explains why practices would benefit from the establishment of a learning culture. - 16.50-17.10 - Clinical guidelines: what, who, why, how? - Katie Waine
Join Katie Waine as she discusses the various types of veterinary guidance, and how clinical guidelines can benefit you. - 17.15-17.35 - Establishing local guidelines for the care of chronic kidney disease in cats - Paul Pollard
Paul will take us through developing practice guidelines to drive better quality veterinary care in feline chronic kidney disease. - 17.45-18.30 - Promoting a learning culture: coming together to discuss SEA - Pam Mosedale
Considering human factors, system factors and patient/client factors in improving systems and reducing avoidable errors.