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Canine Cruciate Registry - An update

BVOA 2022

Date: Wednesday 23rd March 2022

Opening times: 12.15 - 12.45

Venue: The Midland Hotel, 16 Peter Street, Manchester, M60 2DS


Mark Morton will be presenting the Canine Cruciate Registry at the BVOA Spring meeting.  Join us for an update on our data so far, to find out more about how the CCR can help you and to chat with the CCR team.  We will also be in the exhibition hall, demonstrating how to use the registry, and giving you the opportunity to register.


Mark Morton BVSc DSAS(Orth) MRCVS Chair/ Clinical Lead

Mark MortonMark Morton is an RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery. He graduated from the University of Liverpool, initially working in general practice in North Wales. He spent the next nine years at Davies Veterinary Specialists in Hertfordshire, completing a rotating internship followed by a residency in small animal orthopaedic surgery. He remained there as an orthopaedic surgeon before joining ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists in August 2016. His research interests include common calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon) injuries. He has developed and published a new surgical technique for these injuries using a new implant developed from a similar technique in people. Mark is the Clinical Lead for the RCVS Knowledge Canine Cruciate Registry. Working with colleagues, Mark is also developing a systematic and structured approach to obtaining and presenting clinical queries and Knowledge Summaries around cranial cruciate ligament ruptures. This will take the form of a decision support algorithm within the Veterinary Evidence journal. This framework will allow other clinicians to help answer clinical queries, the target being a complete algorithm that will provide practitioners with the best current evidence around this common condition.

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