BVRA Congress: Taking QI forward in your practice - why the receptionists' role is vital
Date: Saturday 1st October 2022
Opening times: 13:30-14:30
Venue: Jurys Inn Hinckley Island Watling Street, Hinckley, LE10 3JA
Receptionists can add value to Quality Improvement (QI) activities by measuring client service, patient care and outcomes. Using clinical audit, the team can make vital contributions to the practice's Quality Improvement plan, and should always be included in QI meetings. This session will discuss the value of the whole team discussing events that did not go to plan, and how the entire team can learn from these events. The presentation will cover why it's important to have a team approach, and how checklists can be a receptionist's best friend.
Amelia Poole RVN, Quality Improvement Project Manager, RCVS Knowledge
Amelia joined RCVS Knowledge in 2019. She is a Registered Veterinary Nurse who previous to this role worked in practice for 11 years. She worked at a variety of privately owned hospitals, as well as rescue centres, concentrating on intensive inpatient care.
She has always been passionate about EBVM and Quality Improvement (QI) within practice to offer patients the best possible care and uses her veterinary experience to ensure that content is relevant to those in practice.
Amelia's role within RCVS Knowledge includes managing national audits and registries, such as the National Audit for Small Animal Neutering, the National Audit for Post-operative Outcomes and the Canine Cruciate Registry. This includes working with the Quality Improvement Advisory Board, members of the profession and various working groups to create resources and content that will support practices in embedding QI in practice, and use their audit data to help improve patient care on a practice, local and national scale.