BSAVA Congress 2023
Date: Thursday 23rd to Saturday 25th March 2023
Venue: Manchester Central
BSAVA will be holding their annual congress in Manchester. The Congress will bring together veterinary professionals from across the globe for an interactive event with live Q&As, keynotes and panel discussions, networking and virtual exhibitions providing latest news, products and services.
Find out more and register for the event through the BSAVA Congress website. See the sessions detailed below which will feature content by RCVS Knowledge.
Choices in cruciate management: treatment options and referral
Choices in cruciate management: treatment options and referral — John Innes, Eithne Comerford and Mark Morton
Thursday 23 March 10:00 am - 10:50 am.
Charter 2 and 3
Join in for a pragmatic, open-minded discussion which will focus on the efficacy, safety and health economics of different approaches to cruciate management. This discussion will help guide vets that might be seeing clients at all ends of the socioeconomic spectrum. Drawing on data from published peer-reviewed papers and the RCVS Knowledge Canine Cruciate Registry, the discussion will cover extracapsular, intracapsular and osteotomy techniques and be evidence-based.
RCVS Knowledge Canine Cruciate Registry
RCVS Knowledge Canine Cruciate Registry
Thursday 23rd March, 12:00pm - 13:00pm
Exhibition Theatre
Mark Morton will be holding a drop in session discussing the Canine Cruciate Registry a free, data collection and audit tool. Find out how the Registry can help you guide your clinical work, and improve quality of care for dogs with cruciate ligament rupture. Mark will talk about the registry, data so far, and be taking any questions you might have.
Help: I've just dispensed the wrong tablets
Practical ways to reduce errors - Pam Mosedale
Friday 24 March, 4:20 pm - 5:10 pm.
Exhibition Theatre
Pam Mosedale will talk about how we can reduce medication errors, which happen all too commonly in veterinary practice. They can lead to harm to our patients and worry to team members over possible complaints. These are rarely just human errors, they usually happen because there are no or inadequate systems in place.
Kaizen in Veterinary Practice
How small changes can produce big results - Pam Mosedale & The human factor: how people make the difference - Helen Silver-MacMahon
Saturday 25 March, 9:30 am - 10:20am
Cobden 3&4
How small changes can produce big results - Pam Mosedale
Pam Mosedale will discuss how to understand the exponential effect of small changes on performance and the importance of engaging the team in effecting change as well as exploring how to identify the key changes to make.
The human factor: how people make the difference - Helen Silver-MacMahon
Helen Silver-MacMahon will review the impact of human factors on performance, explore the impact of practice culture on human factors and discuss the top 3 ways to improve performance.
Benchmarking to improve stewardship
Benchmarking to improve stewardship - Chris Gush and Angie Rayner
Saturday 25 March, 9:55 am - 10:23 am.
Exhibition Theatre
It will discuss how benchmarking can be a useful tool for the veterinary profession to improve their antimicrobial stewardship. By measuring and comparing their prescribing practices against local and national data, prescribers can identify areas for improvement, set goals, track progress, and share best practices to promote responsible antibiotic use and improve patient outcomes.
Practical ways to improve antibiotic stewardship in your practice
Practical ways to improve antibiotic stewardship in your practice - Chris Gush, Angie Rayner and Fergus Allerton
Saturday 25 March, 11:00 am - 11:40 am
Exhibition Theatre
The importance of nurses in anaesthesia monitoring
The importance of nurses in anaesthesia monitoring - Lisa Angell, Lou Northway, Daisy Norgate, Lauren McCarthy and Niamh Clancy.
Saturday 25 March, 11:50 am -12:40 pm.
Charter 2 and 3
What you will take away from this session
- The role of an anaesthesia nurse
Common errors in anaesthesia and why a nurse is important to improve/maintain standards
Ways to increase anaesthesia knowledge.
Is neutering preventative healthcare?
To neuter or not? — Georgia Woods-Lee, Carrie Tooley & Sally Everitt
Saturday 25 March 11:50 am - 12:40 pm.
Central 5,6,7
Pam Mosedale, RCVS Knowledge QI Clinical Lead
Pam is QI Clinical lead for RCVS Knowledge and Chair of the RCVS Knowledge Quality Improvement Advisory Board. She was Lead Assessor for the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme until very recently. Pam has worked in first opinion practice for most of her career. She is also an SQP assessor for AMTRA and edits the BSAVA Guide to the Use of Veterinary Medicines and organises the BSAVA Dispensing Course.
Pam has been involved in establishing Quality Improvement resources for the veterinary practice team. She is passionate about QI becoming part of the normal working day for veterinary teams and contributing to a just learning culture in practice.
Chris Gush, RCVS Knowledge Executive Director
Chris Gush is the Executive Director of RCVS Knowledge, which aims to support the advancement of veterinary medicine for the benefit of animals, the public, and society. RCVS Knowledge works to promote, encourage and advance veterinary medicine through developing practical tools, based on the latest evidence, to support improved animal health and welfare. The RCVS Knowledge also leads on the advancement of knowledge sharing more widely through its library services and is the custodian of over 500 years of veterinary history though its archive collections.
Chris began his career as a microbiologist working on a clinical hygiene monitoring system to measure hygiene standards in hospital wards.
Having left the laboratory, a move to the Department of Health saw him co-develop the Showcase Hospitals Programme. The programme led on the evaluation and adoption of new technologies and protocols that improved hospital infection control and reduced hospital acquired infections in seven hospitals around the country.
Later, at the Health Protection Agency, Chris managed investigations into microbiology testing within hospital laboratories leading to improved clinical standards and offering re-testing where appropriate.
In his previous role as Assistant Director of Clinical Innovation and Research at the Royal College of General Practitioners, Chris led on the development of tools and resources which were instrumental in the reduction of inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in General Practice. Chris also led on the development of Patient Online, a programme which allowed all GP patients access to a range of services online, booking appointments, ordering repeat prescriptions and viewing their medical record.
Angela Rayner, BVM&S PgDipPSCHF MRCVS
Angie is Director of Quality Improvement for CVS Group and a small animal GP vet. She started her veterinary career as a registered veterinary technician in the U.S. and then made her way to Scotland, to graduate from the R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh. She is also a member of the RCVS Knowledge Quality Improvement Advisory Board and Co-clinical Lead for their Antibiotic Stewardship Audit. Winner of an RCVS Knowledge QI Award for improvements made in controlled drugs auditing and is Co-clinical Lead for their Antibiotic Stewardship Audit.
Angie has an MSc in Patient Safety and Clinical Human Factors at the University of Edinburgh. This programme supports healthcare professionals in using evidence-based tools and techniques to improve the reliability and safety of healthcare systems.
It includes how good teamwork influences patient outcomes, key concepts around learning from adverse events and teaching safety, understanding the specialty of clinical human factors, as well as the concept of implementing, observing and measuring change, monitoring for safety, and it focuses on quality improvement research and methodologies.
Angie is passionate about promoting and developing QI to benefit animal welfare and staff wellbeing, through collaboration with veterinary and human healthcare colleagues. She has an interest in human factors and systems thinking approach and believes that QI can help improve joy in work.
Sally Everitt, inFocus Clinical Support Lead
Sally is the inFocus Clinical Support Lead at RCVS Knowledge providing clinical support for their Library and Information Services. She has a Master's degree in veterinary general practice, which included setting up the forerunner of the National Audit for Small Animal Neutering, and a PhD looking at the factors influencing clinical decision-making. She also spent six years at BSAVA, working as their Head of Scientific Policy.
Louise Northway, Quality Improvement (QI) Lead RVN
Lou qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in May 2009 and since qualifying has completed nursing certificates in Anaesthesia and Emergency & Critical Care. In 2019, she was awarded the RCVS Inspiration Award and named RCVS Knowledge Champion for two consecutive years. Alongside practice work she also works for RCVS Knowledge as Quality Improvement (QI) Lead RVN & is part of the IVC Evidensia QI steering group. She also has a very active RVN blog @louthevetnurse which now has over 18,000 worldwide followers.
Mark Morton, Clinical Lead for Canine Cruciate Registry
Mark Morton is an RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Orthopaedic Surgery. He graduated from the University of Liverpool, initially working in general practice in North Wales. He spent the next nine years at Davies Veterinary Specialists in Hertfordshire, completing a rotating internship followed by a residency in small animal orthopaedic surgery. He remained there as an orthopaedic surgeon before joining ChesterGates Veterinary Specialists in August 2016. His research interests include common calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon) injuries. He has developed and published a new surgical technique for these injuries using a new implant developed from a similar technique in people. Mark is the Clinical Lead for the RCVS Knowledge Canine Cruciate Registry.